Hello Heritage families, Please click the link below to read our monthly newsletter. Hola familias de la escuela Heritage, Por favor, haga click en el siguiente enlace para leer nuestro boletin mensual. https://www.smore.com/m2gya
almost 4 years ago, Pam Malone
A BIG WHARTON THANK YOU to one of our (anonymous) parents for the bin of goodies and the encouraging card. We are so lucky to have the support of our families.
almost 4 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Amazing First Week of School Walker! Enjoy your Labor Day and we will see you Tuesday! https://www.smore.com/6r7jc
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Venegonia
Great First Day! So excited to see you all tomorrow for our second day of school. Don't forget to login at 7:50 and 12:20! Click your teacher link below and have a great day! https://www.smore.com/uzv0j
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Venegonia
Walker Families, Monday is the first day of school!! ¡¡El lunes es el primer día de clases !! Click the links to your classroom teacher at 7:50 Haga clic en los enlaces a su maestro de salón a las 7:50 https://www.smore.com/s8hn3
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Venegonia
GRAVES Virtual OPEN House/Graves Casa Abierta Friday, August 28th/Viernes 28 de Agosto 1st and 2nd Grade 9:45 and 3rd and 4th at 10:15 Please find links on Dojo, Seesaw, News Section, and Facebook.
almost 4 years ago, Graves
almost 4 years ago, Pam Malone
almost 4 years ago, Pam Malone
almost 4 years ago, Pam Malone
Virtual Open House Info and Links https://www.smore.com/h398j
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Venegonia
Hello HMS families, Click the link below for information on our recorded open house presentations, supply and schedule pick-up, and Schoology. There is a lot of information provided, please make sure you read! Hola familias HMS, Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener información sobre nuestras presentaciones grabadas, recogida de utilies, horarios, y Schoology. Hay una gran cantidad de informacion proporcionada, por favor asegúrese de leer! https://www.smore.com/fwdn5
almost 4 years ago, Pam Malone
HMS Due to Zoom technology issues, our Virtual Open House will instead be recorded and uploaded onto our website on Thursday, August 27, 2020 by 3:00. HMS Debido a problemas con la tecnología de Zoom, nuestra orientación virtual será grabada y subida a nuestro sitio web el jueves 27 de agosto de 2020 a las 3:00pm.
almost 4 years ago, Pam Malone
Walker School - Materials pick-up reminder https://www.smore.com/3sq96
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Venegonia
Please join our open house and meet the Wharton staff on Wednesday, August 26 at 11:00 on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81592866056?pwd=ajhZVGM3UVhJajZSSGJOL3NtNy9HQT09
almost 4 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Wharton Elementary Virtual Open House
Hello Heritage families, Please click the link below to read our monthly newsletter. Hola familias de la escuela Heritage, Por favor, haga click en el siguiente enlace para leer nuestro boletin mensual. https://www.smore.com/g342b
almost 4 years ago, Pam Malone
Please check out the latest edition of the Walker Bulldog Bulletin linked below. Important information about supply pick-up and Virtual Open House is included. Consulte la última edición del Walker Bulldog Bulletin vinculado a continuación. Se incluye información importante sobre la recogida de suministros y la jornada de puertas abiertas virtual. https://www.smore.com/gqhau
almost 4 years ago, Sara Leone
GRAVES STUDENT SUPPLY AND COMPUTER DISTRIBUTION SY 20-21 VANESSA FIGUEROA TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020 Kindergarten: Will receive their supplies and computer devices by appointment 8/26,8/27 Grades 1-4 will receive their supplies via the bus turnaround (near door 7, east side of building) Note: 1st and 2nd grade will need to return the computer from SY 19-20. 1st grade: Monday 8/24 11a.m.-12p.m. 2nd grade: Monday 8/24 12p.m.-1p.m. 3rd. grade: Tuesday 8/25 11a.m.-12p.m. 4th grade: Tuesday 8/25 12p.m.-1p.m.
almost 4 years ago, Vanessa Figueroa
GRAVES : SUMINISTROS PARA ESTUDIANTES Y DISTRIBUCIÓN DE COMPUTADORAS 20-21 VANESSA FIGUEROA TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020 Kindergarten: Recibirán sus suministros y computadoras con cita previa. 8/26, 8/27 Los grados 1-4 recibirán sus suministros a través del cambio de autobús (cerca de la puerta 7, lado este del edificio). Ojo: 1er y 2do grado deberán devolver la computadora del año escolar 19-20. 1er grado: Lunes 24 de agosto de 11 a.m. a 12 p.m. 2do grado: Lunes 8/24 12p.m.-1p.m. 3er. grado: martes 25 de agosto de 11 a.m. a 12 p.m. 4to grado: martes 25 de agosto de 12 p.m. a 1 p.m.
almost 4 years ago, Vanessa Figueroa
Wharton Supply and Device Pickup On Friday, August 28th, supplies and devices will be distributed for remote learning. We ask that students/parents arrive at the main entrance (door 1) during their assigned time-frame, wear a face covering, and practice social distancing. Please bring your device from last year to exchange for your new device. Times for pickup are as follows. Please contact the main office at 708.458.0640 with any questions. Pickup Time Student’s Last Name Beginning with the Letter 8:00-9:00 A-C 9:00-10:00 D-H 10:00-11:00 I-M 12:00-1:00 N-R 1:00-2:00 S-Z Recogida de Útiles y Computadoras de Wharton El viernes 28 de agosto, se distribuirán útiles y computadoras para el aprendizaje remoto. Pedimos que los estudiantes/padres lleguen a la entrada principal (puerta 1) durante su tiempo asignado, lleven una cubierta facial y practiquen distanciamiento social. Por favor, traiga su computadora del año pasado para cambiar por su nuevo computadora. Los horarios de recogida son los siguientes. Comuníquese con la oficina principal al 708.458.0640 si tiene alguna pregunta. Hora de recogida Apellido del estudiante comenzando con la letra 8:00-9:00 A-C 9:00-10:00 D-H 10:00-11:00 I-M 12:00-1:00 N-R 1:00-2:00 S-Z
almost 4 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker