Ms. Xheraj's 5th grade class took 1st place in the Region 7 Math Online Sumdog Competition!!
" My students ROCK!!!! A pandemic cannot hold us back! I am proud to share that my 5th grade class took 1st place in the Region 7 Math Online Sumdog Competition!! " - Ms. Xheraj
They will be having a pizza luncheon for getting 1st place. CONGRATULATIONS!
Here is the link of the results:

Please see flyers for information on the upcoming COVID vaccine event taking place at SD104.
Consulte los folletos para obtener información sobre el próximo evento de vacunación COVID-19 que tendrá lugar en SD104.
Registration link: https://rb.gy/cjej1d

REMINDER: See attached flyers for the upcoming Oaxacan Art Workshops from November 1st - 3rd.
Vea los folletos adjuntos para los próximos talleres de arte oaxaqueños del 1 al 3 de noviembre.
Nov 1 Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/KseAA8KTdR
Nov 2 Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/vWNYDwfGm8
Nov 3 Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/5JFdRGGqda

Join us for our Dia de Los Muertos event on November 5th from 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Click link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/173641485357
See flyers for more details!
Únase a nosotros para nuestro evento Dia de Los Muertos el 5 de noviembre de 5:30 pm a 8:00 pm.
Haga clic en el enlace para registrarse: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/173641485357
¡Consulte los folletos para obtener más detalles!

Pre-K staff is Fa-BOO-lous! 🎃

The students' costumes at Graves are EERIE-sistible! 🧟♂️

Wharton students hope you have a spook-tacular Halloween! 👻
Can you guess who the basketball is?

More HMS Red Ribbon Week pictures!

HMS Red Ribbon Week!

Walker students had some FANGtastic costumes today! 🧛♂️

Join LatinXDLN and LULAC at Heritage/Graves for FREE COVID-19 Vaccines! No insurance necessary. See attached flyers for more details!
For anyone who received their first dose at this event on October 14th please note that the second dose with be given at this event on November 4th.
There will also be booster shots available at this event!
¡Únase a LatinXDLN y LULAC en Heritage / Graves para recibir vacunas COVID-19 GRATIS! No se necesita seguro. Consulte los folletos adjuntos para obtener más detalles.
Para cualquier persona que recibió su primera dosis en este evento el 14 de octubre, tenga en cuenta que la segunda dosis se administrará en este evento el 4 de noviembre.
¡También habrá vacunas de refuerzo disponibles en este evento!

Questions about the COVID-19 vaccine for children? Join the "Ask the Doctor" event on November 3rd at 7:00pm. See flyer for more details.

Walker students showed off their new dos today for Crazy Hair Day!

Head Lice - Once a week, take a peek
See attached documents for information on how to spot and treat head lice.

Here are a few pictures from Walsh's Red Ribbon and Bully Prevention Week! Featured are "Color Life Drug Free", "Follow Your Dreams & Steer Clear of Drugs", and "Sock it to Bullies".

Wharton Elementary School: Together We Are One 🤝
Students created representations of themselves as part of our anti-bullying focus this month. All work is on display in the library connected by hands of the cardboard students as a sign of unity and acceptance.
Los estudiantes crearon representaciones de sí mismos como parte de nuestro enfoque anti-bullying este mes. Todo el trabajo está en exhibición en la biblioteca conectado por las manos de los estudiantes de cartón como signo de unidad y aceptación.

Its Red Ribbon Week at HMS and today was "Together Against Drugs" Students were able to twin today! Here are a few of our twinning students. #Twinning

This week's Spotlight of the Week is Eva Manzke! She was nominated by Walker. 😁

See attached flyers for the upcoming Oaxacan Art Workshops from November 1st - 3rd.
Vea los folletos adjuntos para los próximos talleres de arte oaxaqueños del 1 al 3 de noviembre.
Nov 1 Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/KseAA8KTdR
Nov 2 Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/vWNYDwfGm8
Nov 3 Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/5JFdRGGqda

Adult ESL classes will be starting November 2nd. See flyers for more details!
Las clases de ESL para adultos comenzarán el 2 de noviembre. ¡Consulte los folletos para obtener más detalles!
Link to Register: https://forms.office.com/r/6vnDUyxYvq